"This remote factory in China first told us they could not accept any orders from Japan. They said, "we cannot guarantee the quality the Japanese people desire." It is very difficult for them to stay in business with mass producing low cost, high quality items so many of their products would not meet the desired standard. It was this rough production combined with using locally found clay that produced this very appealing mug. It looks like it belongs in an American diner where the mug doesn't care about looking identical to the other mugs. Do you really need a neat and high quality mug when you are drinking coffee? Instead of using unnecessary glaze to finalize these mugs, we just sent them our stamp and ink. It was as if this remote Chinese town reminded us of the good old days of America."
Area: China
Size: H 3.6 in. x W 4.7 in. x D 3.1 in.
Material: Ceramic
By using recycled materials and hand made processes, PUEBCO imbues these objects with the feel of many lifetimes, and a sense of history that makes each piece unique.